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A Response To ‘Is God Racist? – Some Thoughts On Christians For Truth’ By Verbotenesarchiv

One of our readers posted a link to a German blog — Verbotenesarchiv — or Archive Of Forbidden Knowledge — featuring the article Is God Racist? Some Thoughts On Christians For Truth — and we’d like to take this opportunity to respond to its assertions and the evidence they offer in attempting to disprove our anti-universalist position on the Bible, including the New Testament.

We would first like to make clear that we have read through some of their posted material — which includes links to some of our articles — and we would acknowledge that they are a sincere and surprisingly courageous Christian website, considering it appears to be run by Germans or German speakers — and much of their material could lead them to be prosecuted under German “hate crime” laws — if they reside either in Germany or many other western European nations.

They certainly deserve our encouragement and praise for their courage to defend their faith — and identify their enemies.

So please keep in mind that none of our comments on this particular article should be construed as a personal attack on the website or its writers — while we may have some scriptural and doctrinal disagreements with them, their overall work is excellent and worth reading — especially for German-speaking people who have been demoralized and alienated from their own race, history, and God.

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