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EXCLUSIVE: Three Reasons the China Coronavirus Incidence and Mortality Counts Reported by the CDC Are Likely Fraudulent

By Joe Hoft

The reporting on the number of deaths coming from the CDC are fraudulent. 

Here are three actions the CDC is taking that promote these fraudulent numbers.


1. WE REPORTED IN APRIL – States are forced to include probable cases in their COVID mortality reporting.

The CDC is forcing states to recount their coronavirus deaths to include confirmed cases and probable cases.
Several states are in the process of reassessing their numbers based on this questionable new rule.

In April New York state added 3,700 deaths to their numbers to include presumed but not confirmed cases.

The CDC is forcing states to recount their coronavirus fatality deaths and update their numbers.  This fraudulent manner of counting deaths related to the coronavirus is a joke.

The Illinois Department of Health Director admitted during a press conference this month that Illinois counts ANYONE who has tested positive for coronavirus at time of death as a coronavirus death — despite their actual cause of death.

2 WE ALSO REPORTED IN APRIL – Less than 1% of all Coronavirus deaths have no additional co-morbidity.  This means that nearly all of the COVID deaths had other symptoms along with the coronavirus.


FROM THE NUMBERS: Only 150 Americans to Date With No Pre-Existing Conditions Have Died From the Coronavirus or 0.9%

3 The CDC includes those who were tested and identified as having had the Coronavirus with those tested and confirmed as currently having the coronavirus in their current numbers of new individuals with the coronavirus.

By including both active cases with cases of individuals who had the China coronavirus in the past, the CDC is grossly overstating the number of active cases in the US.  Unfortunately, states like Texas and Florida have reset their economic reopening time tables based on this bogus data.

HUGE: MASSIVE CDC FRAUD UNCOVERED – CDC Grossly Overcounting Active China Coronavirus Cases Causing States to Keep Their Economies Closed Indefinitely

Combined, these three methods of reporting China coronavirus cases and deaths grossly overstate the number of cases and deaths related to the coronavirus.  The numbers being reported by the CDC and others are incorrect.  Due to the methods of counting, they are fraudulent.

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