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Slovakia Prime Minister – Who Rejected Pandemic Treaty, EU Migration & Ukraine Aid – Shot Multiple Times

Slovakia Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot multiple times and critically injured after an off-site government meeting in the central Slovak town of Handlova.

Reports described the attempted assassination as ‘politically motivated.’

“The suspected gunman was among a small crowd of people waiting to greet the prime minister on the street outside the cultural center, where the meeting took place, local media reported,” CNN stated.


Per CNN:

Footage from the scene shows the injured prime minister being bundled into a vehicle by his staff, before it speeds away with him inside. Fico was taken to a local hospital and then transferred by helicopter to a major trauma center about 20 miles (30 kilometers) away in Banska Bystrica. No one else was injured in the attack, officials said.

Both the country’s Defense Minister Robert Kaliňák and Interior Minister Matúš Šutaj Eštok called the shooting “politically motivated,” with Šutaj Eštok saying that “the suspect made the decision to do it shortly after the presidential election.”

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