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Joe Biden’s ‘Made in China’ Inflation Reduction Act Gives Billions to China, Cuts Medicare, Kills American Jobs



The following content is sponsored by Americans for Limited Government.

When Donald Trump released a video where he said, “Biden’s pro-China economic program puts America last, and it’s killing our country,” the mainstream media recruited his establishment apologists to fact check Trump and claim it isn’t true that Biden is giving away the store to China’s dictator Xi Jinping.

We examined Trump’s claim to see if it stands up to a fact check. The problem, for America that is, is Donald Trump spoke the truth; Joe Biden is giving away billions to China and killing American jobs.

One of the worst instances of this is Biden’s signature domestic “achievement,” the so-called Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Not only has this done nothing to stop inflation, it’s also proving to be a giveaway to the Chinese Communist Party. While China is building military bases on our doorstep, Joe Biden—instead of proving he’s merely asleep at the wheel—has invited Xi Jinping inside and asked him to drive.

But don’t take our word for it; even Democrats like Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) have come out swinging against their boss. Just this week, Manchin slammed the IRA’s Clean Vehicle Credit, which was ostensibly intended to provide tax relief to American companies that manufacture car batteries and electric vehicles. The idea was that this would feed the electric auto industry and enable American independence from foreign energy.

Instead, China is co-opting American companies and sucking billions in green scam tax credits. The IRA doesn’t stop China’s government-owned green energy industry from setting up pop-up shops in America to qualify for tax credits, while importing everything from China. So, they’re stealing tax credits that could go to American companies. It’s proving that the IRA had nothing to do with curbing inflation. Was it the Green New Deal in disguise—or maybe the Red New Deal?

This is why Manchin this week said that the administration is effectively endorsing “Made in China.”

And Biden’s IRA is paying for all these giveaways to China by slashing Medicare for seniors.

The IRA will sharply cut the popular Medicare drug-coverage plan; a total of $30 billion will be cut from a program currently totaled at $110 billion.

This will kick in in 2025 — so it is either out of the way if Biden wins or can be blamed on Trump if Biden loses.

Moreover, as if we hadn’t learned our lesson during COVID about the dangers of outsourcing medical production, proposed expansions to the IRA will slash the U.S. biopharma industry.

Buried in the IRA is command and control language that Joe Biden could only have learned from the Chinese Communist Party. The IRA language allows the government to dictate price controls on some prescription medicines for seniors under Medicare…



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One Comment

  1. Swordslinger Swordslinger May 20, 2024

    That SOB! Medicare wasn’t anything to brag about in the first place. Now that SOB is cutting it?
    Why the hell are we giving billions to China in the first place? If we have billions to give …. “charity begins at home”….

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