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Sleeping With the Enemy: Biden Warns European Allies Not to Rebuke Iran’s Nuclear Program

By Bob Hoge

Remember that catchy NYC tourism campaign, “I loooove New Yoork!” I can almost picture President Biden croaking out the catchy tune, but with one word changed: “I loooove Iraaan!”

Iran is the number one state sponsor of worldwide terrorism. They call America the ”Great Satan,” and their stated goal is to wipe Israel off the map. But don’t tell that to Joe Biden, who doesn’t want to upset the Mullahs in case it might hurt his increasingly remote reelection chances. The befuddled octogenarian president actually is demanding that European countries concerned about the Islamic Republic’s nuclear weapons program stand down and refrain from telling the truth—which is that Iran must never, ever get its hands on nuclear weaponry.

In his desperate attempt to hold onto power, he’s even undermining two of our closest allies in the world, Britain and France, as the Wall Street Journal reports in an exclusive:

Joe Biden is opposing a European plan to rebuke Iran for advances in its nuclear programme as Washington wants to avoid an escalation of tensions ahead of the US presidential election, diplomats involved in discussions have claimed.

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