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Another 2nd rank patrol ship for the Coast Guard Border Service was launched in St. Petersburg

By Top War


In St. Petersburg, another border patrol ship of the 2nd rank “Sakhalin” was launched for the coast guard of the Border Service of the FSB of the Russian Federation. Russian resources report this.

The Almaz shipbuilding company, without unnecessary fanfare, launched the eleventh patrol ship of Project 22120, built for the Coast Guard Border Service. There is no information about the ship; the company did not report its laying, as, indeed, about other ships built by it and handed over to the customer.

The 2nd rank patrol ship Sakhalin became the eleventh Project 22120 ship built at Almaz for border guards, and the third after Podolsk and Ufa to receive weapons. The ship was equipped with a 30-mm six-barreled AK-630 artillery mount. The first eight ships of the project had no weapons…


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