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REVEALED: Canada’s plans for American CIVIL WAR after the election



Canada has been making plans in case civil war breaks out in the US, as the nation’s polarization reaches an all-time-high ahead of the presidential election.

A think tank within Trudeau’s government called Policy Horizons Canada surveyed hundreds of experts and government officials about potential disruptive events and proposed to the Canadian government they should consider preparing for civil war in the US.

In a 37-page document covered by Politico, researchers included the possibility of ‘U.S. ideological divisions, democratic erosion, and domestic unrest escalate, plunging the country into civil war.’

As the rematch between Joe Biden and Donald Trump nears, the report’s authors claimed an American civil war is ‘an improbably but ultra-high impact event.’

The ‘high-impact’ category included the proliferation of homemade biological weapons, antibiotic-resistant pathogens leading to mass death and food shortages, and the outbreak of World War 3.

Canada has been advised to make plans in case civil war breaks out in the US, as the nation's polarization reaches an all-time-high ahead of the presidential election. Joe Biden, right, shakes hands with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Canada has been advised to make plans in case civil war breaks out in the US, as the nation’s polarization reaches an all-time-high ahead of the presidential election. Joe Biden, right, shakes hands with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Brookings Institution scholar John McArthur told Politico the report could reflect how concern the Canadian government is about American politics.

McArthur explained that former president Donald Trump’s isolationist approach to foreign politics might have ‘rattled the Canadian psyche and upended decades-old economic relationships.’

Trump’s general demeanor towards Canada, including when he trashed Trudeau after a G7 meeting, have left a lasting impact in Canadians, according to McArthur…


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