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US Department Of Commerce And Jesuit University Colludes To Create Digital ID Guidelines To Receive Public Benefits

by Jacob M. Thompson


The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), a subsidiary of the U.S. Department of Commerce, has teamed up with Georgetown University, one of the largest Jesuit schools in the country, and others, to create digital identity guidelines that would be used to eventually facilitate public benefits and payments.

In April, NIST published supplementary standards for their digital ID guidelines, expressed a document called the “Incorporating syncable authenticators.” In it provides auxiliary guidance for agencies to use authenticators like passkeys that work across different devices.

In a blog post explaining the changes, NIST explains that a “syncable authenticator is any cryptographic authenticator that allows for the private key to be cloned and stored separate of the authenticator to support use of that key across different devices (for example, syncing).” The group adds: “When implemented correctly, they provide a phishing-resistant authenticator with many benefits, such as simplified recovery, cross device support, and consumer friendly platform authentication support (for example, native biometrics).”

Part of the official document stated:

“Typically, this authentication type protects a cryptographic key in hardware or software that requires activation through a second authentication factor, either a memorized secret or a biometric characteristic. Protecting the private key from unauthorized exposure is fundamental to the security model of a multi-factor cryptographic authenticator. This traditionally includes ensuring that private keys are not exportable or cloneable. However, this paradigm is starting to change. Notably, a new series of authentication protocols and specifications has led to the rapid adoption of syncable authenticators (commonly referred to as ‘passkeys’), which allow users to synchronize (i.e., duplicate) a private key between different devices.”

This past week, Biometric Update reported NIST, in collaboration with the the Center for Democracy & Technology (CDT), and Georgetown University’s Beeck Center for Social Impact + Innovation, the trio have worked together to forge the government’s “digital identity guidelines to better support public benefits programs. These programs assist beneficiaries with essential needs such as food, housing, and medical expenses…


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