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‘Good Samaritans’ In New York Apprehend And ‘Beatdown’ Illegal Alien Who Violently Raped 13-Year-Old Girl

By Jacob M. Thompson

“He started yelling, ‘Help, help, help’ in Spanish. And I’m like, ‘Yeah, that’s what the little girl was saying.’”

This week an illegal alien from Ecuador, Christian Geovanny Inga-Landi (25), was arrested and faces a number of charges including rape and kidnapping of two 13-year-old children, coerced them into the woods at knife-point, tied them up, and then proceeded to rape the girl and forced her friend to watch.

A warrant was put out for his arrest, along with a facial sketch, a picture of his wild boar tattoo, and security camera stills.

A number of Queens residents recognized who the illegal alien was and waited long hours for him to return to his favorite areas. These individuals dubbed “Good Samaritans” by the community proceeded to then jump the suspect late at night and give him a “beatdown,” as one local reporter referred to it as.

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