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Expecto Inutilem Gradus! Duke Offering a ‘Spell Book’ Course


Happy Friday, Gentle Readers,

For better or worse, and to cheers or catcalls, I have returned from a much-needed semi-vacation. I did not get much poolside reading done, but I managed to sample various microbrews and burger joints in Greenville, South Carolina. Although I cannot make any official endorsements, I can tell you that I may have located the best brew and burger restaurant in the Continental U.S. At the very least, it is a contender for the slot. In any event, I needed the time off, and truth be told, I could have spent another week wandering the streets sampling beer and scotch.

 Why we can’t have nice things or a sane country.

It isn’t exactly news to anyone with two brain cells to rub together, a pulse, or the ability to fog a mirror that our institutions of higher learning have devolved into institutions for the criminally insane. 2024 will go down as the year that college campuses began officially doubling as CHAZ/CHOP zones. Along those lines, stories crop up now and then about the DEI and CRT courses that prepare students for their futures as unemployed baristas or terrorist cell leaders. Or both.

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