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WATCH Russian drone destroy US-supplied Ukrainian Bradley

An infantry fighting vehicle was taken out in the Donetsk Peopleā€™s Republic, according to the Russian Defense Ministry

By RT International

A Russian kamikaze drone has taken out another Ukrainian US-supplied Bradley infantry fighting vehicle, video circulating online shows. On Monday, Russiaā€™s Defense Ministry said one such piece of armor was destroyed in the Avdeevka region of the Donetsk Peopleā€™s Republic.

A Russian Telegram channel that claims to be linked to the military posted first-person footage that appeared to be from a kamikaze drone. The six-second video shows the unmanned aerial vehicle closing in on its target as it moves down a dirt road.

The same channel then posted a second video apparently taken from another drone that shows what appears to be the same vehicle burning after being hit. The post did not specify where or when the strike took place but stated that the Bradley IFV was destroyed and its personnel killed.

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