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‘I Understand the Emotion Behind It’: Kamala Harris Defends Anti-Israel Campus Protesters

By Edwin Carlson


Vice President Kamala Harris defended anti-Israel campus agitators, telling the Nation in an exclusive interview she “understands the emotion behind it.”

“They are showing exactly what the human emotion should be, as a response to Gaza,” the vice president said in an excerpt of the interview released Monday. “There are things some of the protesters are saying that I absolutely reject, so I don’t mean to wholesale endorse their points. But we have to navigate it. I understand the emotion behind it.”

Those protesters have wreaked havoc on college campuses for months, calling for the elimination of Israel, defending Hamas’s Oct. 7 terrorist attack on Israel, and assaulting Jewish students.

In April, pro-Palestinian protesters at Yale stabbed a Jewish student in the eye. Agitators at UCLA spewed death threats at Jewish students and a campus rabbi in June. And Columbia University has been rife with anti-Semitic vitriol for months, with students chanting, “There is only one solution, intifada revolution.” The widespread violence and anti-Semitic rhetoric has led to a congressional investigation of multiple universities…


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