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Why ‘Queers for Palestine’ support those who want to kill them

‘Severed head was found on the side of the road after he was murdered for being gay’

For most Americans, the massive demonstrations exploding throughout the U.S. for months in support of the destruction of Israel and elimination of the Jews are hard to fathom. Giant anti-Israel rallies occurring not just on Ivy League college campuses like Columbia and Harvard, but everywhere from the huge demonstration that disrupted much of New York City to the “National March on Washington” to the thousands of “anti-Israel protesters” that rallied outside the White House.

Sen. Ted Cruz even reports that angry, pro-Hamas mobs have swarmed his Texas home dozens of times. “For the past 6 months,” says Cruz, “anti-Israel protestors have come to my home just about every Saturday morning at 7 a.m. and most Friday nights until 10 or 11 p.m. They scream, disturb the peace and wake the neighbors,” Cruz posted.

So wild and passionate are these protests that two demonstrators self-immolated – intentionally set themselves on fire – as an extreme form of protest against Israel. One of them died.

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