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Satanists demand inclusion in Florida’s in-school chaplain program


The Satanic Temple has reached out to the state of Florida to offer their services as school chaplains under the state’s new in-school chaplain program. Satanic Temple cofounder Lucien Greaves, who worked to establish the quasi-religious group during the George W. Bush administration in an attempt to take advantage of government funding for community religious groups, told The Hill that there’s no reason the new program for kids should not be inclusive of Satanists.

“Nothing in the text of the bill serves to exclude us,” he said, “and no credible interpretation of the First Amendment could. Should a school district now choose to have chaplains, they should expect Satanists to participate as well.” The Satanic Temple has gone out of their way to make sure to take advantage of any resources offered to religious groups in educational settings. When schools have opened their doors to after school religious groups, the Satanic Temple has gone in and demanded access to create Satanist groups as well. In cases where schools or the community have balked, the Satanists have sued and gained access.

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