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IDF releases findings on why Oct. 7 mass slaughter wasn’t stopped

By David Brummer


JERUSALEM – The Israel Defense Forces’ new report includes its findings from a military probe into some of the failings on Oct. 7, presenting them initially to residents of Kibbutz Be’eri, one of the worst-hit communities on that “Black Sabbath.”

The specially convened presentation took place at a Dead Sea hotel, where internally displaced refugees have been staying since their homes were largely destroyed by Hamas terrorists. While providing some answers, the probe left significant questions hanging, and the report neither assuaged some of the community’s pent-up fury amid its ongoing trauma, nor did it restore trust in the army. There are those who wonder aloud whether that sacred bond between the IDF – a largely conscript army – and the people, particularly those who felt bereft and abandoned on Oct. 7, will ever be fully repaired. It was more than just 1,200 people Hamas terrorists annihilated that day; they also damaged – perhaps irreparably – the “stickiness” that helps hold Israeli society together.

Maj. Gen. (res.) Mickey Edelstein, a former commander of the Gaza division, headed up the information gathering. The probe’s findings did answer some important questions, and its thoroughness helped kibbutz members understand “the depth and complexity of the events that occurred” during the seemingly never-ending hours of Hamas’ brutal onslaught…


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