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What does the Black Sea Fleet expect?

By Top War


In his material, Alexander Borisovich Shirokorad poses three questions“What is waiting for the Black Sea Fleet? Maritime traffic from Odessa is growing, and Ukrainian unmanned boats are mining our harbors.”. This was actually a title, but the questions in it were asked completely on topic.

And I’ll risk giving some meaningful answers to these questions, and at the very end, based on the results of the analysis, I’ll ask one question myself.

But let’s start out of order, let’s start with the fact that indeed, traffic by sea to/from Odessa is growing and is already beginning to gradually return to pre-war levels. Another question is what do these ships carry?

Quote from Shirokorad:

“The domestic media provides information about the presence of 28 ships in the Sulina roadstead as of November 2023, 12. Moreover, their coordinates and names are indicated. And then from the Sulina roadstead, the ships, turning off the transponders, “go for a breakthrough” to the Ukrainian ports of Odessa, Yuzhny, Chernomorsk (formerly Ilyichevsk).

Most of these ships are container ships with a displacement of 20 thousand tons or more. It’s clear that they don’t carry grain in containers, and our admirals are not interested in what they carry.”

Yes, one cannot but agree with the master: a container ship is not very suitable for grain transshipment. But it’s simply great for moving containers with pallets on which, for example, shells are packed. Or rockets. Why, you can roll armored vehicles into a sea container easily and effortlessly…


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