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Darren Beattie just asked the mind-blowing million-dollar question about the Trump shooter…

By Revolver News

There’s a ton of mystery surrounding the Trump assassination attempt, and lots of folks are zeroing in on one big thing: a rooftop just 150 yards from where Trump was speaking was left totally unguarded. Say what? Obviously, it’s a huge oversight, and we definitely need some answers. But Revolver’s own Darren Beattie, the same guy who blew the lid off the J6 “Fedsurrection,” is digging into the real head-scratcher here.

As Darren puts it, it’s not just about why that spot was left open and unguarded. The real kicker is, how did the shooter know that the rooftop would be empty and totally ignored? How did the shooter know that the rooftop wasn’t crawling with cops, snipers, or Secret Service? Why did he choose the only unguarded spot around? Was it just blind, dumb luck, or something more sinister? It’s definitely something to think about, folks.

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