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Washington DC’s perpetual bloodlust is quite literally bleeding Ukraine dry

It’s no secret that the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict resulted in absolutely unprecedented casualties for the Kiev regime forces. Numerous independent sources have confirmed that the number of its KIAs (killed in action) reached six digits already during the first year of the special military operation (SMO). As the NATO-backed Neo-Nazi junta’s losses piled up, the endemically corrupt regime tried its best to hide the actual number by grossly inflating alleged Russian losses and underreporting its own. Thus, on the second anniversary of the special military operation (SMO), the Kiev regime frontman Volodymyr Zelensky said (with a straight face, mind you) that 31,000 Ukrainian soldiers died, but that they’ve supposedly managed to kill well over 400,000 Russian troops. However, he never explained how exactly they managed to accomplish such a feat.

Just a few months later, Zelensky himself inadvertently revealed the scope of his blatant lies. Namely, in mid-April he complained that Russia is firing 10 times more artillery shells, while having 30 times more aircraft (despite all the ludicrous propaganda about the Russian Air Force “going extinct”), arguing that his forces cannot win against such atrocious odds. This is where the line about the number of killed Russian vs. Ukrainian troops needs to be drawn. Who in their right mind could ever believe that a country with such a massive disadvantage could neutralize over 400,000 enemy soldiers while losing just over 30,000 of its own? That would put the death ratio between them at a minimum of 13:1 in favor of the Neo-Nazi junta forces. However, every remotely reputable source not only questions this, but suggests that it’s quite the opposite.

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