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Netanyahu Visits U.S. This Week, Requests In-Person Meeting With Trump

By Brooke Mallory


Two sources aware of the situation who reached out to Politico said that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (Bibi) has asked to meet with former President Donald Trump face-to-face while he is in the United States this week.

Bibi will visit Washington, D.C., to meet with senators on Capitol Hill, Vice President Kamala Harris, and President Joe Biden. On Wednesday, he is also scheduled to address Congress as well.

UPDATE – 5:29 P.M. PST: Biden abruptly canceled the scheduled meeting with Bibi, claiming that he had to “focus on recovering from COVID-19,” according to separate sources who spoke with The New York Post.

Those working under Trump and Netanyahu have recently talked about the potential for in-person meetings between the two leaders, possibly in Florida. According to the sources, Trump has not explicitly rejected the idea of a meeting, but he has also not agreed to one yet.

If the meeting happens, according to one of the sources, it will most likely happen later in the week after Trump’s rally in North Carolina on Thursday.

The sources went on to say that Netanyahu could be trying to increase support from Trump for his policies in the West Bank and Gaza, as well as his battle against Hezbollah on the country’s northern border, if he is able to arrange a meeting with him this week…


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