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LIES YOUR TEACHER TAUGHT YOU – what is true meaning of ‘Final solution to Jewish Question’ and ‘Holocaust of six million Jews’?

By Lovkap.Blogspot


Lies being Taught;

Final Solution to the Jewish Problem was a state-sponsored programme of Nazi Germany, led by Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party, during World War II to annihilate the Jewish people, resulting in the Holocaust of six million Jews.

Now the Truth; 

1st Zionist (Jews) conference which took place in Basel, Switzerland between August 29-31, 1897 declared that “The Final solution to Jewish Question” is a Jewish state in Palestine. In May 1897 in “The open Court”, the Holocaust of “6 million Jews” was published during bar Cocheba Revolt which occurred in 132 CE more than 1800 years before world War 2 and more than 1750 years before birth of Hitler. in 1897 when this news was published, Hitler was eight years old at that time and Nazi was not even born. ‘Holocaust of six million Jews’ was mentioned year after year since 1897 totaling 256 times before the start of World War 2. In 1948 it ultimately led to creation of Jewish state in Palestine known as Israel.

1897 the National Jewish Association – Cologne published its programme (called ‘Theses’):

“(ii) Experience has shown that civic emancipation has fallen short of securing the social and cultural future of the Jewish people. The Final Solution of the Jewish Question lies therefore in the establishment of the Jewish State.”

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May 1897; “Open Court” a Magazine on science of Religion publishes in chapter of Jerusalem and Judea that “nearly six million Jews” lost their lives in revolt led by their messiah Bar- Cocheba (Bar-Kakhba Revolt).

August 1897; Ist Zionist conference took place in the concert hall of the Basel Municipal Casino, Switzerland, from August 29 to August 31, 1897. Zionism supports Jews upholding their Jewish identity, opposes the assimilation of Jews into other societies and has advocated the return of Jews to Palestine as a means for Jews to be a majority in their own nation. Herzl’s Opening Address:

“We are here to lay the foundation stone of the house which is to shelter the Jewish nation. ..

We Zionists (Jews) seek, for the (Final) solution of the Jewish question, that is ;

“Zionism seeks for the Jewish people a publicly recognized legally secured homeland in Palestine.”

But before that, a bit of history;-

First Temple; Tenth Century BC; The First Temple of Jews was constructed by King Solomon, based on detailed plans that God had given to his father-King David, through the prophet Nathan. King David himself had wanted to build it, but was told that his son would be the one to do it. The site chosen by King David was the top of Mount Moriah, where Abraham had once proved his readiness to offer up his dearly beloved son in obedience to God’s command. It was the archetype of the “dwelling for God in the physical world” that is the purpose of creation.It took seven years to complete the Temple. In the twelfth year of his reign, in 827 BCE, King Solomon dedicated the Temple and all its contents to ‘Yahweh’ the God of Jews or God of Israel. The Holy Ark of the Covenant was brought into the Temple.

Destruction of First temple of Jews; In 434 BCE, the Kingdom of Judah tried to form an alliance with Egypt. The Jews thought, despite Jeremiah’s prophecies, that this would keep them safe. But instead, the Babylonian king, Nebuchadnezzar, marched on Judah. He pillaged Jerusalem and deported tens of thousands of Jews to his capital in Babylon; all the deportees were drawn from the upper classes, the wealthy, and craftsmen. Ordinary people were allowed to stay in Judah, and Nebuchadnezzar appointed a puppet king over Judah, Zedekiah. But Zedekiah, tried to break free from the Babylonians. So Nebuchadnezzar marched on Jerusalem again. On the tenth of Tevet, 425 BCE, Nebuchadnezzar II began the siege of Jerusalem and after seize of Jerusalem lasting 3 years finally destroyed the first Temple of Jews in 422 BCE  (some put the year as 587 BCE).



Second temple of Jews; A little more than fifty years after the destruction of the First Temple, the Babylonians, who had destroyed the First Temple, were vanquished by the rising Persian Empire. Jewish returned from Exiles to Jerusalem following a decree from Cyrus the Great. The body of pilgrims, forming a band of 42,360, having completed the long journey of four months, from the banks of the Euphrates to Jerusalem, their first desire was to restore their ancient house of worship by rebuilding their destroyed Temple and reinstituting the sacrificial rituals known as the korbanot. In 353 BCE, exactly seventy years after the destruction of the First Temple, the Jews began building again. The Second Temple was completed in 349 BCE. Under the leadership of Ezra and Nehemiah, the community in Judea became vibrant and secure.



Destruction of Second Temple; Judea began an open war with Nero in 64-65 AD. Emperor Nero sent his first general of his Empire general Vespasian to subjugate Palestine. Under his son Titus, fortress after fortress surrendered until at last Jerusalem was taken and the temple of Judea was burned to the ground on August 10, 70 AD. The Arch of Titus, located in Rome and built to commemorate Titus’s victory in Judea, depicts a Roman victory procession with soldiers carrying spoils from the Temple, including the Menorah; which were used to fund the construction of the Colosseum. Although Jews continued to inhabit the destroyed city, Jerusalem was razed by the Emperor Hadrian at the end of the Bar Kokhba revolt in 135 CE when he established a new city called Aelia Capitolina.



The several legends concerning its construction are written in Freemasonic rituals.At this point let me quote a passage from initiation to Royal Arch Degree of Freemasonry;

“Principal Sojourner Having heard that you are about to rebuild the Temple to the honour and glory of the Most High, we are anxious to sojourn amongst you and assist in that great and glorious undertaking.

Most Excellent Zerubbabel As no strangers can be permitted to assist in that holy work, we must first enquire who you are.

Principal Sojourner.  Brethren of your own tribes and families Most Excellent

Most Excellent Zerubbabel But are you not descended from those who fled when the City and Holy Temple were sorely oppressed, or are you of those left behind by the Babylonish General for the purpose of tilling the land?

Principal Sojourner. We would scorn to be descended from those who basely fled when the City and Holy Temple were sorely oppressed; neither are we of those left behind by the Babylonish General for the purpose of tilling the land; but we are nobly born, and like yourselves descended from a race of Patriarchs and Kings. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were our forefathers. Most Excellent we are of the royal line of David and princely tribe of Judah, who, for their sins and those of the people were led into captivity with Jehoiakin their King, by Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon, there to remain for seventy years as was foretold by the prophet Jeremiah. The period of our captivity expired in the first year of the reign of Cyrus, King of Persia, when it pleased the Almighty to inspire that noble prince to issue the following proclamation: “Thus saith Cyrus, King of Persia, All the kingdoms of the earth hath the Lord God of Heaven given me; and he hath charged me to build him an house in Jerusalem, which is in Judah. Who is there among you of all His people? The Lord his God be with him and let him go up”. We eagerly availed ourselves of this opportunity of returning to our native land, and have come up accordingly to sojourn amongst you and offer our assistance in rebuilding the Temple to the honour and glory of the Most High who hath promised by the mouth of His Holy Prophet, there to establish His Name for ever and give peace to the whole earth.”

132-136 CE;  Bar-Kakhba revolt by Jews to restore their possession on ‘land of Judea’ as they love to call Israel. This was their third major rebellion by the Jews of Judaea Province against the Roman Empire to regain their control over First temple and land of Judea / Palestine and the last of the Jewish-Roman Wars before Romans banished Jews from Palestine. The Romans then banished Jews from Jerusalem. According to legend, 6 million Jews died in Bar-Kakhba revolt to restore Israel over Jerusalem.


To this day, traditional Jews pray three times a day for the Temple’s restoration. Here again let me quote rituals of Freemasonry;-

The First or Holy Lodge was opened Anno Lucis 2515, two years after the Exodus of the Children of Israel from their Egyptian bondage, by Moses, Aholiab and Bezaleel, on consecrated ground at the foot of Mount Horeb in the wilderness of Sinai, where the Children of Israel pitched their tents, and gathered themselves together to offer up praises and thanksgivings to the Most High for their signal deliverance from the hands of the Egyptians. There, but before that time, the Almighty was pleased to reveal himself to His faithful servant Moses, and commissioned him His High Ambassador, of wrath to Pharaoh and his people, but of freedom and salvation to the House of Jacob. There were delivered those mysterious forms and prototypes, the Tabernacle, the Ark of the Covenant, and the Tables of the Sacred Law engraven by the finger of the Most High with sublime and comprehensive precepts of moral and religious duty. There also were dictated by His unerring wisdom; those peculiar forms of civil and religious polity, which, by separating His once favoured  people from all other nations, consecrated Israel a chosen vessel to His service. For these reasons this was designated the First or Holy Lodge.

Solomon King of Israel, Hiram King of Tyre and Hiram Abiff presided over the Second or Sacred Lodge, which was opened Anno Lucis 2992, in the bosom of the Holy Mount Moriah, on the very centre of the ground where the Sanctum Sanctorum of the Sanhedrim was afterwards erected. On that consecrated spot Abraham proved his intuitive faith by not refusing to offer up his beloved son Isaac, a destined victim on the Altar of his God, when it pleased the Almighty to substitute a more agreeable sacrifice. There on the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite, David offered up the mediatorial sacrifice by which the plague was stayed; and there, in a vision, were revealed to him the plans of that magnificent Temple after­ wards erected by his illustrious son, of whom God said, “He shall build an house for my name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom for ever.” For these reasons this was denominated the Second or Sacred Lodge.

The Third or Grand and Royal Lodge was holden at Jerusalem, and opened Anno Lucis 3469, shortly after the return of the Children of Israel from their Babylonish captivity, by Zerubbabel, Prince of the people; Haggai the prophet; and Joshua, the son of Josedech the High Priest. Then it was that the kingly power was restored, in the person of Zerubbabel, to the royal line of David and princely tribe of Judah. Nor was all vestige thereof effaced until after the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans under Titus in the 70th year of the present era. Therefore to commemorate the restor­ation, this was called the. Third or Grand and Royal Lodge; and we have in the present Chapter a resemblance of those Grand Originals. In every regular well-formed and properly constituted Royal Arch Chapter, we acknowledge the representation of the Grand and Holy Royal Arch Chapter of Jerusalem. The three Principals represent (Points to each in turn with his Sceptre) Zerubbabel, Haggai, and Joshua, whose names they bear. The two Scribes (Points to each) represent Ezra and Nehemiah, lectors and expounders of the Sacred Law and attendants on the Grand Sanhedrim.

Your­selves (Points) represent the Sojourners, who, for their zeal and fidelity in having discovered the long-lost secrets of the Royal Arch, were rewarded with seats among the princes “and rulers of the people, represented (points) by the rest of the companions.” 

In above background of history, let us examine the meaning of Final Solution of Jewish question:-

1897 the National Jewish Association – Cologne published its programme (called ‘Theses’):

“(ii) Experience has shown that civic emancipation has fallen short of securing the social and cultural future of the Jewish people. The Final Solution of the Jewish Question lies therefore in the establishment of the Jewish State.”

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May 1897; “Open Court” a Magazine on science of Religion publishes in chapter of Jerusalem and Judea that “That National Fanaticism, indeed, was not yet extinguished; but it burned itself completely out in the vigorous insurrection led by the Bar-Cocheba, the pseudo-messiah, in which nearly six million Jews lost their lives together with the famous Rabbi Akiba, one of the pseudo-Messiah most ardent adherents (135 A.D.)” the article is as under; 

Open Court

August 1897; Ist Zionist conference took place in the concert hall of the Basel Municipal Casino, Switzerland, from August 29 to August 31, 1897. Zionism supports Jews upholding their Jewish identity, opposes the assimilation of Jews into other societies and has advocated the return of Jews to Palestine as a means for Jews to be a majority in their own nation. Herzl’s Opening Address:

“We are here to lay the foundation stone of the house which is to shelter the Jewish nation. ..

We Zionists (Jews) seek, for the (Final) solution of the Jewish question, that is ;

“Zionism seeks for the Jewish people a publicly recognized legally secured homeland in Palestine.”

In order to fulfill the above aim, Congress of Zionists adopted following means by declaration;-

  1. The promotion of the settlement of Jewish agriculturists, artisans, and tradesmen in Palestine. (excluding bankers, financiers media house owners, actors, directors, Hollywood owners and other affluent who would continue their Zionists activities from within the countries of their occupation by working towards getting governmental grants from nations of their occupation*)
  2. The federation of all Jews into local or general groups, according to the laws of the various countries.
  3. The strengthening of the Jewish feeling and consciousness.
  4. Preparatory steps for the attainment of those governmental grants which are necessary to the achievement of the Zionist purpose.**

* Words in brackets are given by Author for clarification only.

**That includes gaining popular sympathy of public for Jewish cause by sustained and systematic propaganda to project Jews as victims, a community being hunted, killed, exterminated, throughout history for its beliefs, thereby drawing benefit on perceived anti-Semitism and rejection of all truth as anti-Semitism. The figure of “6 million” recently published by Religious Magazine “open Court” (supra) came in handy for all future use.

1899; Theodor Herzl the ‘Father of Zionism’ used the term ‘the final solution of the Jewish Question’ in an 1899 letter to the Russian Czar.

“I supplemented this endeavor in my covering letter to the Czar:

Sire: It is to the graciousness of His Royal Highness the Grand Duke of Baden, who has Grand Duke of Baden, who has consented to become the exalted sponsor of my humble request for an audience with Your Imperial Majesty, that I owe my permission to submit the Zionist plan for the final solution of the Jewish Question”


May 7, 1899; the first use of term Holocaust of Jews is published in New York times .. a mighty holocaust of Jews;

The figure of “6 million” published by Religious Magazine “open Court” (supra) before the Zionism Congress came in handy for all future use. Six million Jewish holocaust is a false propaganda – final solution for securing Jewish homeland and re-occupation of land of Judea.

And the ‘6 million’ fun begins but before that let us complete the history;

Chaim Weizmann who was first president of state of Israel missed the first Zionist conference, held in 1897 in Basel, Switzerland, but he attended each one thereafter. Weizmann was credited with persuading Balfour, then the Foreign Minister, for British support to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine, the original Zionist demand.

January 9, 1906; Weizmann first met Balfour. Forty years later he recalled their conversation when Balfour voiced the proposal that the Jews be offered Uganda as homeland:

‘Mr Balfour, suppose I was to offer you Paris instead of London, would you take it?”

“But Dr Weizmann, we have London”, said Balfour.

“True, but we had Jerusalem,” replied Weizmann, who knew that most Anglo-Jewish grandees scorned Zionism, “when London was a marsh”. 

“Are there many Jews who think like you?”

“I speak the mind of millions of Jews.”

Chaim Weizmann by Mary Grey

Crisis of 1915-16; When England was in the crisis of 1915-16 during World war 1, Zionists again approached England and assured their help in getting USA into the war on their side if England was to declare its support for israel. When US did enter the war, still no declaration was issued.It was under these conditions that the Anglo-American Zionists published a threatening warning to the British Government by means of the Landman document. Addressing the British Government, they said in effect:

    “You forget that you did not give us Palestine as an unsolicited gift (Balfour Declaration). It was handed over as the result of a secret bargain concluded between ourselves. We have scrupulously observed our part in bringing America into the war on your side. We call on you to fulfil your obligations in turn. You are aware of our power in the United States: take care that you do not attract the hostility of Israel, otherwise you will come up against grave international difficulties.”


Lord Arthur Balfour thus issued assurance of England’s support for Jewish homeland in Palestine. Zimmerman telegram and sinking of Lusitania are subject matters of my other articles and then came Balfour declaration to Baron Rothschild (Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild), the leader of the British Jewish and banking community:-

Dear Lord Rothschild

    His Majesty’s government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country. I should be grateful, if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of Zionist federation. sd/- Arthus balfour (then British Foreign Secretary)

Balfour declaration was issued in exchange for Zimmerman telegram and Lusitania sinking but no Israel was created. When asked by William Yale, of US state Department what the Jews would do if the British Failed to live upto their agreement, Chairn Weizmann retorted, ; “If they don’t, we’ll smash the British Empire like we smashed the Russian Empire.” Since whole of Jerusalem was not handed over to Jews, they smashed the British Empire nevertheless after end of world war 2.


The very fact that there are several million survivors who took money backfires the claims of Holocaust not to mention that New York Times dated may 20, 1945 reported liberation of 6 million Jewish slaves working in hidden factories 20 days after death of Hitler…


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