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Kamala Harris Doesn’t Want Christians to be Judges: She “Hates What We Believe”

By  Joshua Mercer

CatholicVote President Brian Burch weighed in on President Joe Biden’s decision to drop out of the 2024 election and endorse Vice President Kamala Harris, citing the new Democratic frontrunner’s long history of animosity toward Catholics.

“Kamala Harris hates what we believe,” Burch said.

He explained that Harris “believes that all faithful Catholics should be disqualified from serving as federal judges.”

He cited then-Senator Harris’ opposition to Judge Brian Buescher, a Knight of Columbus whom President Donald Trump successfully appointed to the federal bench.

Burch noted that Harris at the time asked Buescher “if he knew that the Knights had taken ‘extreme positions’ on life and marriage. ‘Extreme’ as in beliefs held by the Catholic Church itself.”

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