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A Brave German Soldier Imprisoned in 2024 for Refusing Covid Vaccinations



Jan Reiners, the modern day hero

A German newspaper, Berliner Zeitung, reports that Jan Reiners, a Bundeswehr soldier who refused COVID vaccinations, was imprisoned on July 12, 2024. He will stay in prison for several months.

Jan Reiners was an exemplary servicemember who served Germany for 12 years.

His problems started in 2021 when Bundeswehr’s careerist generals rushed to mandate Covid vaccine for the troops:

In November 2021, the then Minister of Defense Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer had the Corona vaccination requirement/toleration requirement introduced. The FAZ newspaper reported that “vaccination refusal in the troops is now endangering service operations” and that the “Bundeswehr is the first institution in Germany to introduce a general vaccination requirement.”

This is the picture of the above-mentioned Defense minister:

The soldiers were not given any time to think about this requirement:

Reiners remembers it well: “That was loudly announced to us at the assembly point. They said: Corona vaccination is now mandatory. To all soldiers who have not yet been vaccinated against Corona: If you are not vaccinated by 1 p.m., we will accuse you of disobeying orders. That means three years in prison. Get out of here!”

How can anyone develop “informed consent” when rushed under such orders? Please tell me.

The order was illegal and contravened German law:

“The order for Covid vaccination is inadmissible” – Reiner’s lawyer Edgar Siemund, an expert in military law and retired reserve lieutenant, says, “the order for Covid vaccination is inadmissible.” Three areas of responsibility overlap here. Specifically, it concerns the relationship of responsibility between superiors and soldiers, between doctors and soldiers/patients, and between doctors and employers. Let us first consider the responsibility between superiors and soldiers. Paragraph 17a (2) of the Soldiers Act states: “The soldier must only tolerate medical measures against his will if they 1. serve to prevent or combat communicable diseases or 2. serve to determine his fitness for service or employment.” The vaccination did not protect against transmission of the virus at any time. But that’s not all. The relevant regulation here is not the law mentioned, but the Bundeswehr’s central service regulation A-840/8, explains Siemund…


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