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Trump-Vance Campaign Addresses Possible ‘Harris Honeymoon’ Polling Bump



The wheels that Joe Biden’s exit from the presidential race put in motion have put some pep in the Democrats’ step. Biden’s campaign had always been rather moribund, but the last few weeks of it were the political version of clinical depression for those who had to pretend to support him. While Vice President Kamala Harris might not be the dream replacement candidate of most Democrats, they’re all still breathing a sigh of relief that they don’t have to make excuses for her boss anymore.

Because of the upheaval in the news about the race, they’re getting a temporary reprieve from having to make excuses about Madame Veep, which they will eventually have to do. Kamala Harris is the only prominent politician in America who is more gaffe-prone in public than Joe Biden. It won’t take long for her publicity train to go off the rails.

Still, she’s getting a break for a few days.

The positive energy — no matter how artificial — will more than likely help the Democrats in the polls. The Trump-Vance campaign wanted to get out ahead of that and addressed it in a memo. Here’s the money paragraph:

The Democrats and the MSM will try and tout these polls as proof that the race has changed. But the fundamentals of the race stay the same. The Democrats deposing one Nominee for another does NOT change voters discontent over the economy, inflation, crime, the open border, housing costs not to mention concern over two foreign wars. Before long, Harris’ “honeymoon” will end and voters will refocus on her role as Biden’s partner and co-pilot. As importantly, voters will also learn about Harris’ dangerously liberal record before becoming Biden’s partner in creating historic inflation (she cast the deciding vote on the IRA), flood of illegal immigrants at our southern border (she is Biden’s Border Czar), and migrant crime that is threatening our families and communities (she set illegals free who went on to commit violent crime as DA).

I have been touting the smoothness and focus of the Trump campaign for weeks now. They don’t miss a beat and are very proactive. Getting out in front of this was the smart move, especially given how well the Democrats might be able to spin confusion into gold now that their temporary lovers’ spat with the propagandists in the mainstream media is over and they’re once again spooning in the opinion sections of The New York Times and The Washington Post…


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