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Puberty blocker curb has not led to suicide rise – review

By BBC News

There is no evidence of a large rise in suicides in young patients attending a gender identity clinic in London, an independent review has found.

Professor Louis Appleby was asked by Health Secretary Wes Streeting to examine the data following claims made by campaigners of a rise in suicide rates since puberty-blocking drugs were restricted at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust in 2020.

Prof Appleby’s review concludes “the data do not support the claim”, and he added the way the issue had been discussed on social media was “insensitive, distressing and dangerous”.

Jo Maugham, founder of the Good Law Project which has led the claims, said he had “profound difficulties” with the review.

Unsafe language

The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) said it was vital that public discussion around the issue was handled responsibly.

Prof Appleby, who is a professor of psychiatry and experienced suicide researcher from the University of Manchester, said online discussions about the issue had gone against guidance on safe reporting of suicide.

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