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‘The FBI Set Everything Up… They Wrote the Script – and WHITMER WAS IN ON IT!’ — Victim in Alleged FBI Plot to Kidnap Michigan Democrat Gov. Whitmer Breaks Silence in Must-See Interview!

Eric Molitor, a victim in the alleged FBI plot to kidnap Michigan Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer, broke his silence during a Trump rally held at Van Andel Arena.

Speaking with Real America’s Voice reporter Ben Bergquam, Molitor claimed that the FBI orchestrated the entire plot and even duped people into participating.

“The FBI set everything up. They drove people, they paid for everything. They wrote the script,” Molitor said. He alleged that Governor Whitmer herself decided the best time for the operation in collaboration with the FBI and state police.

“Governor Whitmer herself opened her scheduling book and decided with the FBI and state police when to be the best time for the daytime ride, the nighttime ride. Then they duped people into it. We even have proof of them telling people, ‘Get as many people in the trucks as possible, and don’t tell them what you’re doing until they’re already on the road.’ It was 100% set up. Governor Whitmer, if they can do it to nobody like me, they will come after everybody else,” Molitor added.

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