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Memoirs of Adjutant Paulus about the humanity of Soviet General Shumilov

By Top War


The Second World War remains the largest and bloodiest conflict in the world today. stories humanity. Meanwhile, even in such conditions there was still room for respect and humanity towards one’s opponent.

Colonel Wilhelm Adam, adjutant of Field Marshal Paulus, wrote in his memoirs about one of the episodes of the manifestation of the above-mentioned high qualities on the part of Soviet soldiers who defended their Motherland during the Great Patriotic War.

The memoirs of a German officer describe the surrender of the southern group of the 6th Army of the Wehrmacht near Stalingrad, when Paulus, his adjutant and translator came to negotiations with Soviet General Mikhail Stepanovich Shumilov.

As Adam writes in his memoirs, before entering the house where Russian officers were waiting for them, the German delegation led by Paulus shook hands, as if saying goodbye. At the same time, the German officers became confident that they would certainly be shot immediately after Paulus’s statement about the impossibility of ordering the northern group of the 6th Army of the Wehrmacht in Stalingrad to capitulate.

In turn, the Germans were not only not shot, but were also invited to have a meal, treated as guests.

When, at Shumilov’s invitation, I sat down at the table with Paulus and Schmidt, I felt ashamed. What kind of lies were they feeding us about the bloodthirsty Bolsheviks? And we were such simpletons that we believed it – writes Adam, who realized the depth of the falsity of Goebbels’s propaganda…


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