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Trump Versus the Deep State: Would Former President Shift US Foreign Policy?

By John Miles


The Republican Party’s apparent divisions were on full display during its recent convention in Milwaukee, with hawks like Mike Pompeo and avowed anti-interventionists like Tucker Carlson each holding court.
A sea change has taken place in the way the US electorate discusses issues of foreign policy over the last decade.
Former President Donald Trump spoke with distinctive brashness on subjects assumed to be beyond political debate in Washington, such as the United States’ fraught relationship with Russia and the country’s role as self-appointed “policemen of the world.” On the other side of the aisle Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders enjoyed a similar populist appeal, alleging “massive fraud” in US military spending and questioning former President Barack Obama’s effort to overthrow Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad.
The mandarins of the US foreign policy establishment have spent the last several years attempting to put the genie back in the bottle, returning to a time before the prerogatives of the “Deep State” were openly speculated and commented upon, but the influence of Trump’s candidacy and tumultuous time in the White House is still felt years later.
As Vice President Kamala Harris solidifies her position as President Biden’s Democratic heir apparent, speculation has emerged over the possible foreign policy of her administration and how it would differ from that of a second Trump term. Former Ukrainian diplomat and whistleblower Andrii Telizhenko joined Sputnik’s The Backstory program this week to comment on the matter and discuss prospects for peace as fighting between Moscow and Kiev continues.

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“Everybody saw it coming,” Telizhenko said of Biden’s decision to end his candidacy for reelection Sunday amid concern over his age and mental acuity. “The deep state in the Democratic Party used him and used his problems within his family [with] his son Hunter to keep him in place, to use him and his health to keep America in place, to bring this war with Russia.”
“They don’t need him anymore,” he concluded. “That’s why they made the change from one lame duck for another lame duck that is going to be fully controllable.”
Harris, who previously served as California’s state Attorney General before a four-year stint in the US Senate, has been noted for her relative lack of formal foreign policy experience. Some commentators have looked to her advocacy on immigration policy under President Biden to attempt to decode her broader outlook on global affairs. One analyst speculated she would initially rely on Biden’s foreign policy team, while others suggest she would continue her predecessor’s strong support for Volodymyr Zelensky, who has ruled Ukraine without an electoral mandate since the end of term in May…


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