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DANIEL VAUGHAN: Pro-Hamas Mobs Should Be Cleared Out By Force

When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed Congress for the fourth time this week, Democrats decided to make a show of it. Several of them issued strong statements against Netanyahu and blasted him. By the end of the day, many of those same Democrats were rapidly backpedaling criticism because far-left radicals swarmed DC in full-throated support of Hamas, the end of Israel, and the death of Jews. And they did this while burning the American flag.

Montana Representative Ryan Zinke took a tour of the pro-Hamas vandalism after the events. He showed a video of how the activists spray-painted antisemitic garbage, racist slurs, and pro-Hamas messaging on monuments, including a replica of the Liberty Bell. National Park workers are working tirelessly to clean the monuments of this filth.

A video of park police being assaulted by a mob of thousands went viral on social media. These so-called “protestors” pelted police with feces and other objects. The far-left radicals ripped down an American flag being flown in the park, replaced it with a Palestinian flag, and burned the American flag.

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