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Video Shows Pro-Palestinian Activists ‘Heil Hitler’ At The Olympic Soccer Match

By Leena Nasir


Pro-Palestinian protesters interrupted the soccer game at the 2024 Olympics, Saturday, with shouts saluting Adolf Hitler.

The group of pro-Palestinian activists held up Palestinian flags when the Israeli team lined up on the field Saturday alongside Team Paraguay, at the Parc des Princes, but it didn’t end there. The group began showing support for Hitler, seemingly in an attempt to get a rise out of the players, and to generate attention to their cause. The group was coordinated in their efforts as they repeatedly made the Nazi salute and chanted “Heil Hitler” at the top of their voices.

Video footage of the anti-Israeli rant was shared widely on social media, and showed the large group saluting and shouting while the camera panned to others that were proudly holding up their Israeli flags.

The organizers behind the 2024 Summer Games confirmed the incident to Sky News, and condemned the Palestinian activists for “anti-Semitic gestures.” The organizers reportedly stated that an official complaint was filed with French authorities.

French law enforcement officials are currently investigating alleged threats and incidents at the Olympics, though it remains unclear whether anyone will be charged, the outlet reported…


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