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CONFIRMED: Doctor Arguing for Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations in USA Today is Bankrolled by Big Pharma

By Shane Trejo

One of the doctors who argued for mandatory vaccinations recently in a USA Today op/ed is being bankrolled by Big Pharma, creating a massive conflict of interest for the self-professed medical expert.

“Broad induction of immunity in the population by immunization will be necessary to end this pandemic. In simple terms, a refusal to be vaccinated threatens the lives of others,” the doctors wrote, arguing that those who refuse to comply with vaccine mandates must be punished under the law.

The doctors also called for an end to the 4th Amendment of the Constitution by proposing an invasive federal vaccine tracking database: “A registry of immunization will be needed with names entered after immunization is completed… Thus, immunized persons will need to receive expiration date-stamped certification cards, which should be issued to all who are immunized in the country, whether here legally or not.”

Dr. Lederman’s ties with Big Pharma go back many years, as he has soaked up millions from pharmaceutical corporations to fund his medical research. He received $2.5 in grant money from Gilead Sciences in 2017 to study AIDS and HIV treatments. Back in 2014, Dr. Lederman and his fellow Case Western researchers received $12.7 million from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci for other AIDS/HIV trials.

Right now, the NIAID is doing everything they can to get Big Pharma giants to produce a COVID-19 vaccine for mass distribution, even if it means skirting normal testing protocol. The NIAID has been performing relentless public relations for the pharmaceutical giant Moderna, a firm that stands to make billions from a mandatory vaccination regime.

The NIAID is under the jurisdiction of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which has served as a particularly egregious example of the corrupt revolving door between the public and private sector. NIH researcher Gary Nabel left his influential role with the federal government to become chief scientific officer at pharmaceutical giant Sanofi in 2012. He boasted about how he took the corporate role to facilitate more collusion between a monolithic industry and the public officials tasked with regulating it.

“I’ll do whatever I can to build bridges to the external, NIH-funded world,” Nabel said. “It’s a different model than what they’ve done in the past.”

One of Dr. Lederman’s co-conspirators also has deep ties to the Washington D.C. medical swamp as well. Co-author Maxwell J. Mehlman, Director of the Case Western Law Medicine Center, received a six-figure NIH grant just last year to perform analysis on genetic testing. The other co-author, Dr. Stuart Youngner, is conducting mad science centered around reanimating brain tissue in dead pigs.

With medical ethics “experts” calling for basic human rights to be extinguished and forcing shots into people, it becomes clear that Big Pharma’s profit-driven agenda is driving the response to COVID-19.

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One Comment

  1. John Dick John Dick August 11, 2020

    What a monster dickhead

    Hopefully people will stand up for our human rights.

    These assholes should be held legally accountable for the crimes they are attempting to implement. I bet this would change their recommendations very quickly.

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