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Clout Vid (San Francisco, CA), is pleased to announce the official launch of the first A2C (Artist to Consumer) platform in the world, which is leveraged with A.I and Blockchain, to provide the entertainment industry with an innovative platform specifically created to exponentially increase the revenue of Celebrities, i.e, Artists, Musicians, Movie Stars, etc, whereby the amplification and security of the brand, is placed before the ability to reduce the brand’s value through unauthorized access.


“The economic impacts of the covid-19 lockdown and recession will cost the entertainment industry $160 billion in growth over the next five years, hitting exhibition/events and advertising the hardest, according to projections from Ampere Analysis released in May, 2020, and featured by Forbes on May 21st, 2020”, Henry Skull the Founder of Clout Vid said. “Clout Vid has been created, to boost the bottom line of celebrities, their brands, and labels, especially during economic downturns, as we currently have with the Covid-19 pandemic” he continued.


Clout Vid is a Celebrity Marketplace and a complete ecosystem, designed for the Entertainment Industry to effectively leverage digital technology, to increase the Net Income of their artists, by Amplifying their brands and maintaining 100% Brand Integrity & Security. “We completely disallow all unauthorized vendors from selling endorsed or branded products” Henry stated.


Clout Vid leverages A.I. via machine learning for Product Recommendation, User Experience Personalization, Intrusion Security, Segmentation & Targeting, Pricing Optimization, Search Ranking, Customer Support & Self Service system, Supply & Demand Prediction, and Fraud Protection for brand Amplification, Security & Integrity.


Clout Vid also leverages blockchain to usher brands into industry 4.0 and amplify sales, by enabling buyers purchase products using Cryptocurrency. It also developed the Artist Blockchain for Brand Integrity & Security; A unique decentralized cloud system, which allows artists to build their trusted network of managers for their selling account, as immutable blocks securely hosted on the cloud.


Each member contained on the block can manage the artist’s account, with full or limited privileges, i.e approve and disapprove transactions, list and un-list products, etc, in an immutable manner, where to increase security, a complete history of all activities is visible to the artist for cross-references at any point in-time, and activities can easily be reversed back to any block. “The Artist Blockchain that we have developed requires multiple point authorizations for transactions, and it includes a serialized transaction token that enhances brand integrity & security” Henry said.


“We have a Mobile APP on the iOS and Android APP stores, a Mobile Site and a Website powered by A.I and Blockchain for your merchandise sales.” Henry concluded.


With Clout Vid, sellers receive 90% of all sales. Seller also receive all the purchase data on customers/fans who purchase their merchandise, which is a great asset for their ongoing and future marketing campaigns; a rare value not offered by online marketplaces.


For more information, please contact Henry Skull at 650-488-9899, email, visit the Clout Vid website at, or download the Clout Vid APPS from the Apple iOS Store and Android Store.

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