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Southern Baptist Convention to Rename Itself In Nod to Black Lives Matter Movement

The Southern Baptist Convention is set to rename itself, with the group’s president citing the ongoing Black Lives Matter riot movement as an imperative for the change. The group no longer wants to be associated with the American south.

Our Lord Jesus was not a White Southerner but a brown-skinned Middle Eastern refugee,” the organization’s president, JD Greear told the Washington Post. “Every week we gather to worship a savior who died for the whole world, not one part of it. What we call ourselves should make that clear.

Greear cited the summer’s national race riots and unrest following the death of George Floyd in police custody. The resolution to adopt a new name passed following a vote of church leaders, although it’s unclear how they perceive the name as an insult to the Black Lives Matter movement.

The church will rename itself Great Commission Baptists. The new name is all well and good, and invokes a command of Jesus to his disciples, but it’s questionable that they’re making the change for what seems to be expressly political purposes.

Other imagery and references to the “southern” nature of the denomination is expected to be removed from public view.

The Southern Baptist Convention used to be a boogeyman for old-school liberals, but now it’s just another mainline church akin to the notoriously liberal Episcopal and Presbyterian churches.

One Comment

  1. Donald Whitchard Donald Whitchard December 2, 2020

    I am sick and tired of woke, spineless, world-pleasing crap-weasels like the apostate leader of the Southern Baptist Convention, J.D. Greaar saying that the Lord Jesus Christ was somehow a “refugee”. He does not see Jesus as anything but another in the line of so-called “social Justice” (whatever that means) warriors”. Jesus Christ is God Incarnate, Lord of all, and Savior of His elect. To label Him as anything else is to degrade and dishonor Him. Come to think of it, wasn’t it the religious crowd that called for His death? I have been a Southern Baptist minister for nearly thirty years, and I am getting more convinced that the feckless “woke” coven of reprobates running the denomination want to dig up the bones of Karl Marx and nominate him for the next SBC President. Greaar and his bunch will no doubt hear terrifying words from the Lord Jesus on the day of judgment in that He never knew them (Matthew 7:21-23).

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