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World War II memorial cancelled for being too white

By Simon Black

Just when you think it couldnā€™t get more bizarreā€¦ we give you this weekā€™s absurdity.

Mural dedicated to WWII Vets cancelled for being too white

70 years ago, a decorated Veteran from World War II painted a mural on the campus of the University of Rhode Island to honor the fallen who lost their lives in the war.

The 95 year old artist is still alive today, to see his artwork being cancelled.

Students complained that the lack of diversity in the mural made them feel uncomfortable. There were too many white people depicted, and not enough minorities.

The university quickly bowed to the mob, covered up the painting, and plans to remove it entirely.

Itā€™s ironic that in 2020, questioning the woke mob is liable to have you labeled a Nazi.

So a man who had the balls to fight the actual Nazis will have his memorial painting destroyed to appease the snowflakes who canā€™t even look at a painting without an emotional fit.

Click here to read the full story.

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