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Seth Rich murder investigation lives, Ed Butowski lawsuits Ty Clevenger efforts, Court docs ref Seymour Hersh statements Fake News Media lies, Wild cards: Assange knowledge & Barr investigations

Seth Rich murder investigation lives, Ed Butowski lawsuits Ty Clevenger efforts, Court docs ref Seymour Hersh statements Fake News Media lies, Wild cards: Assange knowledge & Barr investigations

“The Mueller report perpetuates the Russian narrative, states “Mr. Assange and WikiLeaks “implied falsely” that Mr. Rich had been the source of the emails” and did not investigate it.
The fake news NY Times participates in the charade (Lie) by regurgitating the Mueller statement.”…Citizen Wells

“And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed
–if all records told the same tale–then the lie passed into
history and became truth. “Who controls the past,” ran the
Party slogan, “controls the future: who controls the present
controls the past.”…George Orwell, “1984″

“We are being lied to on a scale unimaginable by George Orwell.”…Citizen Wells  READ MORE…

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