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Adam Housley says to keep your eye on the Hunter Biden hard drive, not the fake ‘dossier’

by Brett T.


It seems the media — NBC News at least — has finally found a Hunter Biden story it can report on, because it’s been debunked. Both NBC News and MSNBC producer Kyle Griffin are reporting that a “dossier” on Hunter Biden that’s (supposedly) gone viral on the internet appears to be from a fake intelligence firm.


Yes, this 64-page document has nothing to do with the laptop or its contents. But because it’s been found to be fake, it’s safe for the media to report on, and hopefully confuse people who’ve never heard a thing about it.


We know why.

















As someone tweeted above, now the media can say they covered the Hunter Biden story and it was all a hoax. NBC News is calling this an exclusive, but we wonder how many other mainstream media outlets will pick up this story? It’ll probably be one of Twitter’s trending news stories Friday.

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