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Nancy Pelosi Comes Out In Favor Of Impeachment

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi came out in favor of the impeachment of President Donald Trump for the first time Tuesday, after meeting with her caucus.

“It would be my intention with the consent of this Caucus
. to proceed with an impeachment inquiry,” Pelosi told the Democratic caucus behind closed doors prior to her public announcement.

Pelosi then publicly announced late Tuesday afternoon, “Today I’m announcing the House of Representatives is moving forward with an official impeachment inquiry.”

Despite Pelosi’s early reluctance to push for impeachment, there are currently 174 Democrats who support impeachment or an impeachment inquiry, compared to the 61 Democrats who don’t support impeachment or impeachment inquiry yet. Pelosi has said she believes Trump is “goading” Democrats to impeach him because he thinks it will help him fire up his base.

Many of Pelosi’s Democratic colleagues have continued to push for impeaching Trump, such as Democratic Texas Rep. Al Green, who broke with Pelosi when he vowed to force a vote to impeach Trump in late March. Green, who previously had several bills to impeach Trump overwhelmingly rejected by the House of Representatives, called for a third impeachment vote. Pelosi said impeachment was “just not worth it” in a March interview.


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