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Infuriating COVID-19 ‘stimulus’ bill is loaded with billions in aid… for Sudan, Egypt, Ukraine, and others

Washington, DC, hates us. They literally hate all of us useful idiots who are only here to fund their pet projects and advance the personal agendas of those in the swamp. And sadly, the vast majority of Americans have no idea. They will not read the 6000-page bill released by Congress. They won’t read a single word of it. All they’ll do is wait for their $600 checks and complain that they need more.

The text of the COVID-19 “relief” bill is loaded with gigatons of pork that Americans know nothing about. Moreover, it’s so significant, so insulting, that mainstream media and Big Tech are doing as they normally do: Suppressing the truth. No major outlets are reporting on over a billion dollars going to a variety of programs in Sudan, Nepal, Burma, or Cambodia. There’s not a mention of Egypt alone receiving over a billion dollars. And nobody’s asking questions about the $1.4 billion set aside for something called the “Asia Reassurance Initiative Act.”

Meanwhile, Americans are receiving $600 checks and are being told to appreciate it. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said the amount was “significant” even after claiming $1000 bonuses given to workers following President Trump’s tax reform were just “crumbs.” Their hypocrisy knows no bounds, and it isn’t just the Democrats. Republicans are giving each other high-fives for getting the number down to $600 while working in their own pork to make the deal worthwhile for their special interests.

Lest we forget, everyone on Capitol Hill has continued receiving their massive salaries even when they aren’t working. Meanwhile, the draconian restrictions imposed by dictators at city and state levels have caused mass destitution, rising suicide numbers, and unprecedented drug overdoses. The economy is a tattered parody of what it was just a year ago, but “economic indicators” have kept analysts from calling it a depression. Looking around at the long lines for food banks, we are clearly in the midst of a depression.

This is our money, folks. I’m not going to start lecturing anyone on the backwards nature of the federal tax system or the horrid way our money is used against us, literally. That’s for another time. But even those who do not study economic theory can plainly see the direct insult of doling out $600 to people who have been forced out of their jobs for months, people who have become or are on the verge of becoming reluctant members of the welfare state. We are being forced into a state of dependency over a disease that has a higher recovery rate for people under the age of 40 than influenza.

And we’re supposed to sit back and accept it. Unfortunately, that’s actually what’s happening. The outrage that should be compelling millions to march on their state capitals and demand our freedoms back has been replaced for the most part by passive acceptance while we stay at home watching Netflix. It’s a disgusting portrait of America that I never thought I’d see in my lifetime. Where is the courage? Where is the patriotism? When did American Exceptionalism get replaced by complacency and complicity?

President Trump should send the bill back to DC and demand all pork be stripped from it immediately. And if they don’t, then they’ll have to override his veto. Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell are snakes wallowing in their swamp.

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  1. DesertChick DesertChick December 22, 2020

    While the slaves grovel for peanuts, the Fat Cats, foreign and domestic, roll around in piles of cash, oinking like the pigs they are.

  2. Randi Dembowski Randi Dembowski December 23, 2020

    With 700 million going to Sudan, they could cut that and give each American 2 million and we would shut up!

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