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Not Wearing a Mask in South Africa Now Criminal Offense

By Chris Black

South Africa has become the first country in the world to criminalize not wearing a mask. I know what you may think: okay Chris, but South Africa is not a real country anyway. Kidding aside, I knew that someone was going to do this after all. Here’s the deal:

My Broadband:

President Cyril Ramaphosa has announced that South Africa will move to lockdown level 3 at midnight on Monday 28 December.

He said all indoor and outdoor gatherings, except funerals, will be prohibited for the next 14 days.

The curfew is adjusted from 21:00 to 06:00 and all non-essential establishments like bars and restaurants must close at 20:00.

The sale of alcohol has also been banned and nightclubs and bars which sell alcohol will not be allowed to operate.

As part of the new rules not wearing a mask is now a criminal offence and people who aren’t wearing masks in public can be arrested.

There are other countries I know of where you will get fined a hefty sum if you’re caught not wearing a mask both indoors and outdoors at any given time. Also, curfews are enabled in many places in Western countries, so this is nothing new, really.

What it is new is that you can now be arrested for not obeying mask mandates. And, if you ask me, other countries will follow suit in the near future. You must understand what I’ve been telling you for the last couple of weeks: this coronavirus operation is not a temporary thing. The ruling class cabal is creating a new normal, the lockdowns and the masks are here to stay, and yes, they are here indefinitely.

In the US, with usurper Joe Biden being expected to assume office next months, things are looking equally grim. Just like Donald Trump, who in the last days of his presidency has turned full vaccine salesman for Big Pharma, Joe Biden promised to mass vaccinate the peasants with rapid speed:

New York Times:

President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. on Tuesday criticized the speed of vaccine distribution under the Trump administration and promised to step up the pace when he takes office, while delivering a sober warning about the toll of the coronavirus pandemic.

He warned that if the current pace of administering vaccines under President Trump continued, “it’s going to take years, not months,” to vaccinate the nation. And he said he had directed his team to prepare a more aggressive effort once he takes office in three weeks, pledging “to move heaven and earth to get us going in the right direction.”

“This is going to be the greatest operational challenge we’ve ever faced as a nation,” Mr. Biden said during an address in Wilmington, Del., “but we’re going to get it done.”

Mr. Biden has vowed to get 100 million vaccine shots into the arms of Americans in his first 100 days in office; vaccination currently requires two shots, which would suggest that about 50 million people would be vaccinated in that time.

You think this will be over soon with the mRNA vaccines? Think again:

“The head of the WHO emergencies program, Dr Mike Ryan, said during a media briefing that “this pandemic has been very severe 
 it has affected every corner of this planet. But this is not necessarily the big one.”

“The likely scenario is the virus will become another endemic virus that will remain somewhat of a threat” 

“I don’t believe we have the evidence on any of the vaccines to be confident that it’s going to prevent people from actually getting the infection and therefore being able to pass it on,” Swaminathan said.

We’re going to mandate a vaccine because CovidHoax-19 is so dangerous, and you can’t go anywhere unless you have a certificate of vaccination. However, we still won’t let you go anywhere because the vaccine doesn’t prevent anything.

We’re not going back to the old normal.  Masks and distancing are forever. Too many stupid sheep will comply and not ask questions or rattle the cages until their last breath.


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