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Dominion CEO warns of more lawsuits ‘definitely’ coming

Washington Examiner - Political News and Conservative Analysis About Congress, the President, and the Federal Government Washington Examiner - Political News and Conservative Analysis About Congress, the President, and the Federal Government

By Mike Brest

The head of Dominion Voting Systems, one of the election companies at the center of a handful of election-related conspiracies, said the company is not done filing lawsuits against those whom Dominion says promoted unsubstantiated claims.

Dominion CEO John Poulos said the company’s $1.3 billion lawsuits against former President Donald Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, Trump-aligned lawyer Sidney Powell, and Trump ally Mike Lindell are “definitely not the last lawsuits,” during an interview on Tuesday with CNBC’s Eamon Javers.

“This is definitely not the last lawsuit, as I said many times before. We are taking a very measured, evidence-based approach as to what we file next. And we are not ruling anyone out,” Poulos said, adding that Dominion isn’t “ruling anybody out” when asked if Fox News could be a recipient of one of the future suits.

The company has alleged that the three Trump allies, among dozens of others, promoted unsubstantiated claims that its technology switched votes allegedly cast for Trump. It filed the suit against Lindell, the CEO of MyPillow, earlier this week.

The evidence Lindell cites in his theories, Dominion says in the suit, “was deliberately misrepresented, manufactured, cherry-picked, and sourced from con artists and conspiracy theorists who were judicially determined to be ‘wholly unreliable,'” and it argues that “Lindell knows all of this because Dominion wrote to him multiple times, put him on formal written notice of the facts, and told him that Dominion employees were receiving death threats because of the lies.”

“No amount of money can repair the damage that’s been done by these lies, which are easily disproved,” Poulos said in a statement at the time the suit was filed. “Hundreds of documented audits and recounts have proven that Dominion machines accurately counted votes. We look forward to proving these facts in a court of law.”

The MyPillow CEO went further with his claims of a widespread conspiracy after producing a documentary to document his claims. It aired on One America News Network, a far-right media network that promoted the conspiracy theory about Dominion, which has also been warned about a potential suit.

“Mr. Lindell advertised ‘absolute proof,’ but he delivered absolute nonsense and fake documents sourced from the dark corners of the internet,” Dominion legal counsel Megan Meier, partner at Clare Locke LLP, said in a statement to the Washington Examiner. “The cartoonish evidence that he offered in his video cannot be reconciled with any level of logic or truth. It would be easy to rack this up as a piece of fiction that is not worth any response — but unfortunately, countless people actually believed it and sent MyPillow some of their hard-earned money as a result. Mike Lindell needs to be held accountable for defaming Dominion and undermining the integrity of our electoral system all the while profiting from it.”

Another election company, Smartmatic, has also been at the center of similar allegations of election fraud. In response, the company filed a $2.7 billion lawsuit against Fox News, three of its anchors, Giuliani, and Powell. Fox News has moved to dismiss the suit.



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