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North Dakota Makes A Law, No More Mask Mandates! Not To Say That It Ever Was Law….

By The Washington Standard

“A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get it’s pants on.” -Winston Churchill

More and more are beginning to catch onto the shenanigans and deceptions of the conspirators when it comes to the likes of this created global plandemic (John 8:44; Ephesians 4:14) especially, when it comes to the unconstitutional edicts coming down from corrupt politicians concerning mask compliance.

It is pretty amazing that so many people have complied with a law that does not exist when it comes to mask mandates, all the while knowing that they do not prevent disease. Just look at the back of the manufacturer’s box (Psalm 94:20).

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The good news is that when walking through stores today, we are seeing less and less people complying with the unconstitutional edicts of the Governors of their states.

Stedfastclash reported:


We’ve seen a lot of very, very bad orders come from states like California, New York, Michigan, Virginia, as well as others.

It is the job of the state legislature to stand up in opposition against the governors who have issued some of these orders when they are in violation of the Constitution.

However, these nonsensical orders aren’t just in these states and one group of legislators have taken actionable steps to do something stopping this.

The North Dakota House of Representatives passed a bill Monday that would “prohibit state and local officials, schools and businesses from mandating face masks.”

The bill passed by a narrow margin in a 50—44 vote and will now go to the State Senate, according to reporting by the Grand Forks Herald.

Republican North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum put a statewide face coving mandate in place three months ago, but it reportedly expired in January. Before the mask mandate was enforced across the state, other cities and counties — including Fargo, Grand Forks, and Bismarck — had already required masks in public.

This is more than just a move against the overreach of the state of North Dakota into the lives of its citizens, but as we hear Dr. Anthony Fauci claiming that we should be wearing masks all the way into next year, it’s a step in stopping that before it starts as well.

Conclusion: Because of the mass ignorance of the people, corrupt representatives have suggested that what they say is law when, in fact, it is not. They use words such as requirements, compliance, etc… but this is not law. It’s a wordplay to confuse the people to believe that whatever they say must be law. NO, IT IS NOT (Daniel 9:7)!

How right John Locke was when he said, “Tyranny begins where the law ends.”

It is for the people to become educated as to what their said representatives can and cannot do lawfully.

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Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media. Article by Bradlee Dean

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