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Could God have signed human DNA?

By Neil WhiteheadĀ 

This site comes to the conclusion that God has initialed DNA! Even signed it! DNA is a code for amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein.

It happens that there are about 22 amino acids in humans and 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet. That set me wondering if there might be something tantalizing written into the human genome. If so what might it be? I wondered if God might have signed it – as a mark of his ownership, a sneaky surprise for the human race.

It was obviously going to be an enormous job to process the entire human genome and I didn’t have 35 spare years to do it in. But the idea wouldn’t leave me alone so I decided to make a tentative start, downloading the amino acid sequences for the first half dozen genes on each of the 23 chromosomes – including X and Y, the sex chromosomes – and creating a computer program to handle the task. That is, to “read” the amino acids and what meaning they had in Hebrew. I decided to start small, assuming that if God had signed the DNA in some way he would presumably have used his name as a signature, or at least an abbreviation of it. So I set about examining the letter sequences for about a dozen common names of God. I found them in high numbers all through the DNA I sampled.*

I used a process that a child might use for a simple cryptography exercise. It was very straightforward. I created a correspondence between each of the amino acids and its equivalent Hebrew letter by matching the most common amino acid found in the human body with the most commonly used letter in the Hebrew alphabet, running down the list from most to least common.

What I found has a lot to do with the structure and grammar of the Hebrew language itself, almost as if it were made for the exercise. Trying the same correspondence in English and Latin yielded almost nothing in comparison.

So what did I find?

I found that abbreviations or full versions of the 14 most common names of God, most of them found in the Hebrew Scriptures, appeared about 500,000 times in each human cell – i.e., trillions of times (500,000 x 10 trillion) in the human body. We appear to be saturated with the names of God – or at least his signature. One of the most common four letter words in the genes was YHWH, the full name of God; it appeared 500 times in each cell. Its common abbreviation, YH, appeared 35,000 times. All this is detailed elsewhere on this website.

It seems the human DNA is thoroughly initialed!!

I found that “YY is”, is the predominant message in the DNA! YY is a common Hebrew prayer book abbreviation for Adonai (Lord) and is a kind of assertion that God exists.

Interestingly the Hebrew name for Satan, STN, never appeared in my simple code. I also found that positive statements about God outnumbered negative ones 2:1.

I decided to try the same exercise on non-human DNA to see if names of God showed up there too. They did. I found that the most important name of God, YHWH, appeared almost three times more often in humans, as if he had a special relationship with us. But he also seemed to have written his names into every living thing.

I then decided to look for simple words and even phrases. Because Hebrew is a very condensed language, numerous short, meaningful phrases appeared in a typical gene. It meant I needed more than a nodding acquaintance with Hebrew grammar to check them, but they were mostly not long so I didn’t need to be a scholar. The phrases I found are listed on this website.

Using Hebrew, the phrases divide into:

(a) proverbial/profound (particularly about God): e.g., Yah is very life

(b) poetic: e.g., A light heart is like a garden

(a) amusing: e.g., It’s grossly unfair to abhor baldness

This website becomes progressively more technical and detailed, so opt out when youā€™ve had enough.

Note: where I use the word “genome,” I mean that part of the human DNA strand containing genes (which amounts to only about 2% of the DNA.) Junk DNA refers to the balance of 98% of DNA.

*In a little more detail, I converted the amino acid sequences to strings of Hebrew letters, converted each Hebrew letter to its standard English letter equivalent, and did a computer search for possible meanings in a reputable English-Hebrew lexicon. If anything looked promising I double-checked each word or phrase in Hebrew to make sure it was grammatically correct, and looked at what I had. ClickĀ hereĀ to see details of this process.



One Comment

  1. Grannie Annie Grannie Annie March 20, 2021

    Figures as the t cell is the shape of a cross….
    Love it … and David says his members are written in the book
    our DNA most likely… not to be tampered with.

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