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Trump Names Paul, Hawley, DeSantis, Others as Great Republican Presidential Candidates for 2024

By Shane Trejo

Former president Donald Trump made a podcast appearance on Monday where he discussed possible successors who could run as the Republican candidate for president in 2024.

“I’ll make that decision [with regards to seeking reelection in 2024] sometime later, but there’s a pretty deep bench,” Trump said during a discussion with Fox News personality Lisa Boothe.

Candidates that Trump mentioned as “very good” contenders specifically were Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida, Sen. Kristi Noem of South Dakota, Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri, Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, and gubernatorial candidate Sarah Huckabee Sanders of Arkansas.

“We have a lot of young, good people,” Trump told Boothe. “Ron DeSantis is doing a really good job in Florida. I think Josh Hawley has shown some real courage in going after big tech.”

“And you know somebody that’s been really terrific is Ted Cruz 
 And Rand Paul has been great. A lot of people, I mean, really a lot of people have been terrific. Sarah Huckabee is going to do great in Arkansas. I think that Kristi Noem has done a terrific job. A lot of – a lot of very good people, really very good people. The Republican party is stacked,” he added.

Trump made it clear that the members of this “stacked” party will only have a shot at running for the presidency in 2024 if he decides not to throw his hat in the ring.

“There’s a pretty deep bench,” he told Boothe. “I’ll make that decision sometime later [about potentially running for the presidency again in 2024], but there’s a pretty deep bench. If you look at the polls, they love the job that I’ve done.”

Big League Politics has reported on the Republican Party’s transformation into the party of Trump as establishment GOP figures at odds with Trump grow more reviled:

“Recent polling indicates that the overwhelming majority of Republicans side with President Donald Trump over Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) in their struggle over the future of the GOP.

McConnell has used last week’s violence in the Capitol to agitate against Trump, even flirting with the idea of impeaching the president. Ten Congressional Republicans joined the Democrats to impeach Trump for a second time on Wednesday.

However, McConnell’s feud with Trump comes at the peril of his career prospects. Republicans side with Trump, believing that Trump is right in his complaints about corruption.

An Axios-Ipsos poll shows that a firm majority of Republicans believe Trump was just to oppose election fraud, that he bares no responsibility in what happened at the U.S. Capitol, and they hope he runs again for the presidency in 2024.

Additionally, the results of the poll show a divide that has formed within the GOP. 56 percent of respondents consider themselves “traditional Republicans” while 36 percent of respondents consider themselves “Trump Republicans.” There is likely considerable overlap between the two groups as well, which should scare the likes of McConnell and his special interest masters.

The findings show that the “Trump Republicans” are on board with their president like never before and will be the most formidable anti-establishment constituency in GOP history.”

If Trump decides to step aside for 2024, the Republican Party will be in good shape because of the successful America First revolution that has overtaken the GOP and the nation due to the 45th president.


For all the latest news read by John B Wells. “Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.” – Ephesians 5:11

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