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Antifa-BLM Violently Attack Reporter, Put Him in Chokehold, Bloody His Face During Anti-Eviction March in Detroit (VIDEO)

By Cristina Laila

Antifa-BLM thugs violently assaulted an independent reporter on Saturday who was covering an anti-eviction march through Greektown in Detroit, Michigan.

Marchers chanted, “Black homes are under attack, tell me what do we do, rise up fight back!”

“A man wearing an Antifa pin committed the first assault during the march. Camera stopped a few times while he attempted to steal it. Eventually, others in the group urged him aside to release me from against the building,” independent reporter Brendan Gutenschwager said in a tweet.

WATCH (language warning):

“You’re not f*cking welcome here!” Antifa screamed at him.

VIDEO (language warning):

Brendan Gutenschwager said a man rammed him against a concrete fence and barricade, bloodied his face and put him in a chokehold.

“A man rammed me against a concrete fence and barricade, bloodying my mouth and elbow as well as putting me in a chokehold while stealing my camera. That was then thrown over a fence, which I eventually was able to retrieve and continue recording,” he said.

Gutenschwager said he left for his own safety after being beat up.

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