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“Far Left Antifa Extremists” Set Fire To Portland ICE Building

"Far Left Antifa Extremists" Set Fire To Portland ICE Building
“Far Left Antifa Extremists” Set Fire To Portland ICE Building

By Tyler Durden

In Portland, Oregon, rioters set fire to a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement building late Saturday night.

“The Portland ICE facility is currently on fire,” journalist Grace Morgan tweeted, accompanied by a video showing the front entrance of the building in flames.

Morgan said about “100 black bloc demonstrators” gathered in front of the ICE building shortly before midnight.

BlazeTV’s field reporter Elijah Schaffer showed rioters setting part of the ICE building on fire.

Clips posted by Morgan also show the fire.

Police and federal agents eventually arrived on the scene to secure the building.

Footage posted by Post Millennial editor-at-large Andy Ngo tweeted:

“Watch the moment federal officers rushed out to respond after AntiFa set the @ICEgov facility on fire last night. Antifa barricaded the front of the facility to trap people inside while the building was on fire.” 

The mob chanted, “Every city, every town, burn the precinct to the ground!”

The fire was eventually extinguished while federal agents and police guarded the perimeter of the building. Federal agents deployed crowd-controlling measures to repel the protesters. They fired pepper bombs and other non-lethal munitions.

“Police and protesters have formed a line across the road, facing off, in front of the ICE building in the South Waterfront district of Portland, Oregon,” journalist Chris Landis reported on Twitter.

 and this is not the first time Antifa terrorists attacked an ICE building in Portland. In late January, dozens of protesters hurled projectiles and mortar explosives at federal police officers.

Simultaneously, Multnomah County, the county that houses Portland, requested the federal government to ban agents from using tear gas against rioters. So while Antifa rioters attack federal buildings – how in the hell will they be able to defend their buildings as their arsenal of non-lethal weapons is being depleted?  

This whole movement to defund police is pushing America deeper into a violent mess that could one day be equivalent to a third-world country unless law and order are immediately restored.


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