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Social credit scores are here and will affect every area of your life

A man who believes in freedom will do anything under the sun to acquire, or preserve his freedom.

~Malcolm X

Glenn Beck said that, currently, massive changes are taking place globally. The Western World is preparing for The Great Reset. The globalists are doing it out in the open. One of the most alarming changes that has reached the United States is the implementation of social credit scores which models the CCP social credit scores.

Capitalism is changing. Instead of shareholder capitalism, it’s stakeholder capitalism. The stakeholders don’t include the common people. The elite will become quite rich and Beck calls it the greatest heist in the history of the world.

The Amalgamated Bank, the largest U.S. union bank — an SEIU bank — and banks throughout the world are planning to implement ESG scores. Merill Lynch already has.

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) scores have reached the masses. Justin Haskins joined Glenn Beck to discuss how Merrill Lynch is now displaying ESG scores for account holders.

ESG scores threaten freedom. They attempt to quantify how “socially responsible” someone is. The problem is that doing things like buying guns will lower your scores. This is an American right and ESG scores threaten our freedoms.

This models the Chinese Communist Party’s social credit scores.


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One Comment

  1. Sally van der Graaff Sally van der Graaff April 13, 2021

    In my past life, which actually wasn’t that long ago, I worked in three hard-left libraries, two on college campuses and one across from the Woke People at the Illinois Capitol Building. Not surprisingly, the Lefty Losers “cancelled” me for offending their delicate Leftist sensibilities, even though I never once dared to share my views. No mugs, tee-shirts, or bumper stickers proclaimed my views, and I swallowed so many retorts when they waxed eloquent on the failings of conservatives. Did I mention that the middle job in Leftyland was at UIUC, the university with more than 100 years of close ties to China and an ever-growing population of Chinese students and professors? Call me paranoid if you want, but I’m *pretty sure* the CCP’s Social Credit Score has been a thing at UIUC for a L O N G time . . . Now fast forward to 2021. I’ve spent at least FIVE YEARS being tormented by demented Lying Liars from previous workplaces and their “woke” compatriots who seem to enjoy not only the abundant moolah they get for “investigating” (spying on, monitoring, hacking, cyberstalking, terrorizing, stalking, stealing from, vandalizing, etc.) the innocent people they’ve wrongfully named to the DHS-FBI fusion center watchlists, but also the opportunity to engage in these sick activities. Did I mention that these people are sick? But you already knew that, didn’t you?

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