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Did The FBI Give Trump And Hillary Different Counterintelligence Briefings in 2016?

The FBI has had a rough go of it—and it’s entirely their fault. Its former director, James Comey, decided to leak the contents of his meetings to a friend with instructions to turn them over to The New York Times in the hopes of launching a special counsel probe. Mission accomplished. And the Department of Justice’s inspector general raked him over the coals for deviating from a long-standing policy on this front.

Former FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok was one of the key people who signed off on the initial investigation into Trump-Russia collusion supposedly in July of 2016. Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page, with whom he was having an extramarital affair, exchanged tens of thousands of texts—the vast majority of which were anti-Trump. It embarrassed the FBI’s image of integrity and impartiality, especially when it was handling two of the most politically sensitive investigations in recent memory: Russian collusion and Hillary Clinton’s email server. The two were worried that the bureau was going too hard on the former first lady. There’s the discussion of the “insurance policy” that they had with Andrew McCabe, the former deputy director of the bureau who like Comey, was fired for cause. He had lied to investigators about leaking sensitive information to The Wall Street Journal.

That “insurance policy” is allegedly the unverified and now thoroughly debunked Trump dossier (aka Steele dossier) compiled by ex-MI6 spook Christopher Steele who was contracted by the research firm Fusion GPS after they were hired by the Clinton campaign and the Democrats to get dirt on Trump. It was an opposition research file. And it was used to secure FISA spy warrants on former foreign policy adviser for the Trump campaign, Carter Page. Yeah, remember when he was patient zero for this Red fever that has engulfed the Left? The errors in the dossier could be corrected by a simple Google search. That’s a huge red flag that this document was never verified before being presented as credible evidence before the FISA court. The DOJ of a sitting president used a piece of political propaganda to spy on those working with a rival. That’s disconcerting, to say the least.


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