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My Dear “Vaxxed” Friend: An Open Letter

 My Dear "Vaxxed" Friend: An Open Letter
My Dear “Vaxxed” Friend: An Open Letter


My Dear “Vaxxed” Friend,

What the Hell were you thinking!?!


I mean, “Hi, How are you?”.

Okay, now that we’ve gotten the vapid pleasantries out of the way…WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING!?!?!

Blithely en passant your email mentions you got the “vaccine.” Both shots. And now, NOW, you want to come over and shed on us.


Frankly when I heard your glad tidings, I was furious. For twenty-four hours, I was so angry at you. Then quite unexpectedly, I burst into tears. That’s when I remembered: anger is only a secondary emotion.

The truth is, I’m grieving. Grieving for you. 

I like you. You’re one of the few people I really like and the “vax,” well, it’s like Russian Roulette but with more than one bullet in the cylinder.

It ain’t a “vax.” It’s the Angel of Death in a syringe.

Sooner or later, it’s gonna getchya.

Have you ever had one of those horrible nightmares where you can’t move and you can’t scream? That’s what this is like.

I see you load your pistol not with bullets, but with little hypodermic needles. I see you pull the hammer back and slowly raise the muzzle to your upper arm. You smile as your finger tightens, taking up the slack in the trigger while I scream and scream and scream but no sound comes out.

I try to run to you, but I’m paralyzed…which is also a side effect of the “vax.”


They say you can never save the people closest to you. Like pastors whose PKs turn into raging God-haters. Like psychologists whose children commit suicide. Like the readers of this blog who go out and get “vaxxed.”

Maybe I didn’t write about the dangers enough! I figured other Conservative sites were screaming bloody murder so I didn’t have to. I just shared all their headlines to my News Page.

Didn’t you see them!?! Thanks to the wonders of MailChimp, I know you open my emails. Did I fail you or did you choose to ignore my warnings!?!

Whatever the case, now you’re a walking, talking, shedding second-hand-vax-spreading machine according to John Hopkins. (If you want more grandchildren, stay away from your pregnant kids/in-laws or you could cause a miscarriage.)

All during the Plandemic, you were more than welcome to come over for coffee. We weren’t worried. But you chose not to come.

And now, now that you’re a walking biological weapon, now you want to see us!?! As if I would let you around Michael, a man who already has more autoimmune than you can shake a stick at!! After nine years of fighting to help him stay alive, are you joking me!?!

No, that’s harsh. I’m sorry. You’re always very kind and I know you mean very well. You just don’t have all the information. Methinks you’re still on Mainstream Media.

For over a year, you never contracted Covid. Even when your family got sick, you were fine. Now you’ve willingly chosen to be injected with the virus. Even worse, you welcomed into your body a substance that can cause heart problems (how’d your stress test go!?!), paralysis, blood clots, herpes, prion disease, every autoimmune under the sun, severe allergic reactions…if you’re alive and healthy fives years from now, I’ll be shocked…and thrilled!

After so many years of working and saving, just when you were on the cusp of really enjoying your retirement, you bared your arm for the needle.

Oh, I get it. You did it for the best possible reasons: you love life and you love your family and you want to be around for both of them. It was that word that tripped you up: VACCINE.

Words have meaning and you, Dear Friend, believed the word.

It’s NOT  a vaccine. They’re just calling it that to fake out good, trusting people like yourself.

It is a rewiring of your RNA and a bad rewiring at that. (

But it’s your body. And it’s your choice. After five years of writing about abusive relationships for PsychCentral, I should know a little something about Boundaries and how to respect them.

That’s hard when it’s life-and-death. It’s too late for you. Once injected, it ain’t coming out. They can’t open a spigot behind your ear and drain out the “vax.” No, when you willingly rolled up your sleeve and bared your arm, you became their bitch. Their guinea pig. A willing participant in a clinical trial that killed all the animal test subjects. We’re talking Gulf War Illness times a thousand!

You can’t go back. You can’t drain it out. You can’t sue them. You are well and truly and totally screwed. I’m sorry. Terribly sorry.

God knows I hope you’re one of the exceptions to the rule and somehow escape unscathed but statistics are not in your favor.

From 2009-2012, Governor Jesse Ventura hosted a show called Conspiracy Theory. In one episode, he interviewed a woman who talked about the coming Great Culling. The killing of the majority of the human race à la the Georgia Guidestones.

It’s here.

thought it was the virus…and it is. But it’s the fake “vaccine” that’s really getting the deaths going.

And if you don’t think that’s true, just compare the obituary columns in 2020 to those in 2021.

In 2020, the Obit column never grew.

In 2021, the Obit column is growing, stretching, spreading. The headlines on the front page of the newspaper celebrate the rollout of the “vax” while everyone pretends the ever-growing, ever-lengthening Obit column on Page 3 has nothing to do with Page 1. My a$$ it doesn’t!

Well, this letter is getting long so I’ll close by wishing you all the best. While we’d enjoy seeing you in our Living Room again, for now we’d better just stay long-distance email friends. We miss you and Delly the Bichon is miffed. You know you’re her personal masseuse!

God bless, take care and as Garrison Keillor always said, “Be well, do good work and keep in touch.”




One Comment

  1. Giant Meteor Giant Meteor May 3, 2021

    Should have used ‘Dear Spike Protein Shedder’ as a Salutation.

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