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[VIDEO] Customer Harassed Over Mask at Home Depot, Takes His Half-Million Dollar Budget to Lowes

These mask mandates are becoming downright disturbing at this point.

For all the people with actual breathing issues and other conditions that prevent them from wearing masks ā€“ any empathy or understanding for them has gone flying out of the window and businessesā€™ are now refusing service to literally anyone based on their ā€œpolicies.ā€

And this is exactly what happened to a general contractor who has shopped at his local Home Depot for the past 15 years ā€“ however, he was quickly given the bootski when he stated that he was unable to wear a mask.

But they didnā€™t just kick him out, they also forced all their cashiers to refuse to serve him, and shut down the entire self-checkout aisle, and threatened to call the police.

All because he didnā€™t wear a mask.

Understandably, this gentleman was completely flabbergasted by this insane behavior and told the Home Depot employees that heā€™ll be moving his contracting business, which has a $500,000 account at the store, over to their competitor Lowes.

I donā€™t blame him one bit.

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One Comment

  1. Giant Meteor Giant Meteor May 10, 2021

    Sure would be a shame if a giant asteroid fell right on this pathetic POS store, wouldn’t it? As for the stupid employees, this is a textbook example of what happens when they gag themselves for 8 hours, day after day, with face rags. They have such small amounts of oxygen getting to their brains, they are now disabled. People of that area: BOYCOTT. Put the bastards out of business!

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