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DEVELOPING: DOJ IG Horowitz Sends Letter to Capitol Hill: FISA Abuse Report ‘Nearing Completion’ …Possible November Release

DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz on Thursday sent a 2-page letter to Capitol Hill updating lawmakers on his impending report on FISA abuse.

Horowitz has been working on a report documenting the FISA [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act] abuses by Obama’s corrupt DOJ and FBI during the 2016 election targeting Donald Trump.

“It’s as thick as a telephone book,” Sunday Morning Futures host Maria Bartiromo recently said. “More than just FISA abuse.”

CBS reported that Horowitz in his letter to lawmakers said, “I anticipate that the final report will be released publicly with few redactions.”

The is the first letter sent from Horowitz to Committee leaders since September 13, 2019.

“Given that our draft report is lengthy, and concerns sensitive national security an law enforcement matters, we understood that it would take the Department and the FBI some time to work through and appropriately mark the entire report,” Horowitz wrote. “I can report to you that the process is ongoing and nearing completion.”

Horowitz said his goal is to make as much of the report public as possible.

“I anticipate that the final report will be released publicly with few redactions.”

Horowitz said once the final classification markings are received from the Department and the FBI, “we will proceed with our usual process for preparing a final report…”

“Once begun, we do not anticipate the time for that review to be lengthy,” he added.

Screenshot of 2-page letter: …“READ MORE…”


  1. Methos Methos October 25, 2019

    Once this is released, I expect indictments and prosecutions. I DO NOT want to hear Barr say “I chose not to prosecute!”

  2. Jack Jack October 25, 2019

    Been there. Seen the movie. Got the tee shirt. I want ACTION, not more delay.

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