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Julian Acciard: Systemic Racism is Marxism Masquerading as Progressivism

by Freedom One-on-One

Julian Acciard is running for Congress in New Hampshire as a solutions-oriented conservative candidate. We discuss a wide variety of issues, from how to take on the establishment GOP to Critical Race Theory to Election Fraud. One of the recurring themes is that Conservatives have missed so many opportunities to get our message out to the masses because we are simply reacting to the Left. We must go on the offensive if we want to save this great country.

New Hampshire Congressional Candidate Julian Acciard is not your typical politician. First of all, he’s a true outsider, running for Congress for the first time. He’s not a part of the swamp. He’s anti-establishment. However, that’s not what stuck out to me as I was interviewing him.

Julian Acciard is focusing on solutions
 real solutions that will actually help people. He could care less about playing the political games that run rampant in Washington DC. He made it clear throughout this episode that we need Conservatives who can articulate the problems we are facing and provide real-world solutions. I agree with Julian
 this kind of thinking is sorely lacking on our side of the aisle.

Those on the Right have always been far too reactionary, and it’s been getting us in trouble, as of late. Instead of going on the offensive and setting our own agenda and messaging, we simply wait for the Democrats to take a position and then we simply respond with the exact opposite approach.

A recent example of this is the Juneteenth debacle. The Democrats passed it as a National Holiday, causing Conservatives to belittle the holiday, claiming that it’s not a real holiday and is just a bunch of Woke Democrats pushing their CRT agenda down our throats
 all the while forgetting that this was actually a part of President Donald Trump’s agenda just a few short months ago.

What the Republicans should have done is vote for Juneteenth becoming a national holiday and then immediately thank the Democrats for implementing Donald Trump’s agenda to implement this holiday celebrating the accomplishment of the first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln, of freeing the slaves. Instead, our side of the aisle stepped in it, failing miserably.

This has allowed the Left to hijack what should’ve been a Republican holiday and turn it into a Woke, Social Justice Warrior celebration. The Democrats are using it to push Critical Race Theory, the 1619 Project and the claim of Systemic Racism. They fully control the narrative simply because Conservatives have failed to do so.

Julian made it clear that we must remind everyone that the Democrats are the party of racism. Yes, there was once blatant systemic racism in this country. We must acknowledge that. However, in today’s American, the only systemic racism is implemented by the Democrat Party. The Republican Party is who is fighting for freedom, liberty and opportunity for all.

As Julian stated explicitly: Systemic Racism is Marxism masquerading as Progressivism. We’ve got to understand what we are dealing with. Things are not as they seem. We are using the same words as the Left, but they have a completely different definition. They deflect onto us what they themselves are doing.

If we are going to turn things around in this country, we need more candidates like Julian Acciard. I had the honor of getting to talk in depth with him over dinner at the Faith & Freedoms Conference a few weeks back. This guy is the real deal. We need more candidates like him, and I hope that we see him elected to the House of Representatives in 2022.

Please visit to check out Julian Acciard’s campaign, and I highly encourage you to donate and volunteer if possible. As Conservatives, we must support truly conservative candidates if they are going to take on the Establishment GOP. Follow him on Twitter at @acciard2022.


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